Thursday, October 13, 2011

Check out the Budapest Program video

Casey, my hardest working and very talented student assistant, filmed and edited this wonderful short VIDEO about the program. I hope you'll enjoy watching it. It is a summary of all the great things we've seen and done this past summer.

We had a successful Study Abroad Fair today. A big Thank You goes out to the amazing team at Tech's Office of International Education (Tara, Lorie, Amy and all) who worked so hard to put this fair together.
We had more than 35 students stop by our table to hear about the program. I realize some were mostly interested in the Hungarian candy we had for grab, but who came blame them - Hungarian sweets, just like everything else Hungarian, is hard not to like.

Many thanks to Chelsea as well for coming to the fair and telling students about her experiences this past summer.

To those of you out there thinking about doing something great next summer, check out our website and go ahead and apply!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Gearing Up for Next Year

Michael's award-winning shot of the beautiful Danube at night

Dear Friends,

It's been a while since we posted on this blog - we all got busy after we returned from Hungary.

The success of our inaugural program resonated with a lot of people both in Atlanta, and back in Hungary, so Bob Thomas and I are excited to continue our work, and we are already preparing for next year's adventure.

We have the dates in place: May 14 through June 28, and we will offer the same three management courses for a total of 9 credits.
The widely popular experiential learning component - a project with a social enterprise on the ground in Budapest - will also be offered, and two of the three courses (approval pending on the third) qualify for the Leadership Minor and/or the Entrepreneurship Certificate.

The Program Fee stayed the same, but this year we are excited to offer scholarships sponsored by the Institute for Leadership and Entrepreneurship. You can find more details about that and all the important info about next year's program on our website.

Tomorrow is the annual Study Abroad Fair at Tech: 10am - 2pm at the Student Center, so if you are in the area come and see us - we'll have Hungarian candy and lots of enthusiasm :)

More updates about next year's program to follow, and if you are ready to join us on the program, go ahead and fill out the application on the OIE website.